13 Apr

Sounds counterproductive doesn't it? I mean,  you can only teach what you have already learned, which means you cannot learn anything new when teaching. That sounds logical but it couldn't be further from the truth.


Well, the brain is a funny thing, it takes in information, files it, then over time finds a way to retrieve that information in the fastest way possible, that means rerouting synapsis, and building new pathways to make that retrieval even easier. OK,  let me give you an example., teach me how to eat. go on, try it. How do I swallow? How much? How do I chew? How Many times? You see, your brain has made this act so easy for you that it is done almost unconsciously. So, in turn you cheat, you don't chew your food as long as you should, you don't think about the nutrients that you need, so you might eat a bunch of stuff that could even be unhealthy for you. Likewise, with drumming, you will find that teaching someone to do the simple things that you take for granted, will cause you to organize your thoughts on that subject. How do you count it? How is it sub-dived. What is Sub-division? All of a sudden you have more questions, and answering them inevitably makes you better, more conscious of what you are playing, and inevitably you begin to stretch your own skills, and yes LEARN new things that would have been hidden to you if you didn't have to do what it takes to teach something you previously thought to be rudimentary.  

Online drum lessons or giving advice to a friend, this works the same way. Teaching requires studying. Teaching requires sharing, and re-thinking processes. But without all the psycho babble, i'm going to be honest with you. No matter what level you are currently - sharing this great hobby/skill we have with others, can be the most rewarding thing you can do. Share what you know. Get someone else exited about this instrument. Think about how great it makes you feel, and why you started. To give someone else the chance to feel like that,  is reward in itself. try it.


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